The forum discount -10%

We have added one more type of discount/refund valued at 10% of the purchase. This is the Forum Discount. Basically it allows anyone starting a discussion about any RobotFX product on any forex forum to be eligible to request a 10% refund (after doing that). This does apply to new sales/customers.

RobotFX 10% discount (AKA “Forum discount”) – to benefit from this discount you must start a thread on any popular forex forum (babypips, forexfactory etc).

  • you must not spam the forums
  • you should focus on a single product and describe it (you can borrow the pictures/videos from our site)
  • your post must include links to our product
  • you are not allowed to write fake reviews neither to describe our products a 100% safe money-making solutions
  • important: your thread must not be deleted (if this happens, our agreement will be canceled automatically; in this case, we will ignore any future account changes and will not send you the next releases, unless you accept to pay the previously refunded 10% discount)
  • send us the links to your post